which water is best for treating acid reflux
which water is best for treating acid reflux
Acid reflux is when the stomach acid directly flows back into the mouth through the oesophagus called a food pipe. It is one of the most common problems that affect millions of people every day. The most common cause of acid reflux is following an unhealthy diet or drinking unsafe water. It probably occurs when the stomach acid overflows into the food pipe and irritates the lining causing heartburn and additional uncomfortable symptoms. Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD), makes stomach acid travel into the human food pipe and let it travel back into the stomach. These types of symptoms occur occasionally but Here, the good news is there are lots of ways to treat acid reflux. There are certain drinks and plant-based beverages that may help in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux.
Exploring the article, you’ll get to know about the detailed information about acid reflux and the effective way to treat symptoms. So, if you are suffering from acid reflux, the guide may help you a lot.
What Is Acid Reflux?
As mentioned above acid reflux is a condition when the stomach acid flows back into the mouth through a food pipe and goes back to the stomach creating an uncomfortable feeling. The term acid reflux also called gastrointestinal reflux disease(GERD) refers to chronic acid. The symptoms of acid reflux cause discomfort in the stomach and often lead to irritation and inflammation in the lower portion of the oesophagus. It is one of the top digestive complaints, especially among adults who don’t follow a proper healthy routine. Below in the article we’ve highlighted some common symptoms of acid reflux.
Symptoms of Acid Reflux
However, there are lots of symptoms of acid reflux and some of them are highlighted below.
1. Acid reflux arises with a feeling of burning or painful feeling in the chest which is often known by the name of heartburn. These types of symptoms especially arise just after heavy eating or an unhealthy diet.
2. Whenever you bend down or move your body, it causes pain in the chest that can even get worse, and if the problem persists for a longer time, it is more likely that you are suffering from acid reflux.
3. Pain or discomfort just after the meal is the leading symptom of acid reflux.
4. If the person experiences a bitter, hot, sour, or acidic taste in the mouth after a meal, it indicates GERD.
5. Sore throat
What to Drink for Treating Acid Reflux?
Alkaline water
Alkaline water is one of the best solutions for treating excessive acid in the stomach which causes acid reflux. An alkaline water is a normal water but higher in the pH value. An alkaline water has a pH between 7.5 to 9.5 which can effectively neutralize the acid in the stomach and prevent it from the symptoms of acid reflux. In general, drinking alkaline water can help balance the pH of a particular acid meal which may lower the chances of acid reflux. This is because alkaline water is rich in high hydrogen carbonate and the studies claim a positive impact of hydrogen carbonate water in treating GERD.
Conclusion: In today's world, many people live with acid reflux and they don’t have much information about preventing it. The symptoms of acid reflux especially arise due to diet changes and it can vary from person to person. Consumption of alkaline water is the best way to treat it and you can easily get alkaline water just by installing an alkaline water purifier in your home.
So, if you are looking to install an alkaline water purifier must visit Zenpure which offers advanced filtration technology in their purifier to deliver 100% safe and healthy water.