How pH and TDS Influence Your Drinking Water Health
Water is one of the essential components for sustaining life on this earth but do you know all water is not suitable to drink? Drinking water should have an ideal level of pH and TDS that contributes to well-being. TDS level in the water refers to the total dissolved solids which represent the total concentration of a substance in the water. The pH level of water indicates the alkalinity or basicity of water. These two components play a crucial role in knowing whether the water we are drinking is safe or not.
So, exploring the article we’ll explore all the facts related to the pH and TDS levels in water that directly influence the drinking water quality.
About TDS in water and Ideal TDS Level For Drinking Water
TDS stands for total dissolved solids which indicates the number of impurities and minerals in the water. The measuring perimeter of water is done through the TDS level which is expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/l). You will be surprised to know that some of the water impurities are beneficial for our health. The water you get from the municipal water supply ideally has a TDS level ranging between 100-500 whereas seawater has a TDS of around 35000. So, it is said that seawater is not safe for drinking just because of the TDS level. However, some other factors make seawater unsafe for drinking. As water travels through different geographic locations, the chances of getting impurities are very high. Most of the Indian households consume water of TDS level between 50-5000(depending on the source of water supply). So, it is very important to measure the TDS level of water before choosing the right water that is beneficial for your health. Sticking to the ideal TDS level that ranges between 150 to 250 and these ranges of water are enriched with healthy minerals that can enhance the overall health of human beings.
About pH in the water And Ideal pH Level for Drinking Water
Now, it's time to highlight the pH level of water but before that let me tell you about the pH. A pH is a measurement of acidity and basicity of compounds and it is measured in a pH scale of 0 to 14. Any number below 7 indicates acidity while the number above 7 indicates basicity where 7 is a perfect neutral. A perfect state of pure water always has a pH of 7. However, with lots of research and claims by different brands, it is said that drinking water with a higher pH level is beneficial for the body's health. They claim that a high pH level of water has a beneficial role in neutralizing body acid, regulating metabolism, supporting weight loss, and even preventing chronic diseases like cancer. However, no concrete evidence follows this research and hence the claims are not scientifically proven. Furthermore, different body requires different pH to function properly and this is why it is recommended to strictly maintain the pH of water at various places. Thanks to the human kidney it can maintain small changes in the water pH and balance the acid-base in our body. As per the information, the human body is suitable with a water pH level of 7.35 to 7.45 which is effective in maintaining the pH level in the body.
Conclusion: Water having a TDS level of less than 100 and above 250 is not considered safe drinking water. The ideal pH of water ranges between 6.5 to 8 and anything above this is not considered safe for drinking. So, to get the best water with acceptable TDS and pH levels.
it is necessary to choose the right water purifier. You can also visit Zenpure which offers different water purifiers according to the TDS level of water and the reliability of the water source.